Thursday, 3 November 2016


  1. A handwriting that cannot be read
  2. A person who speaks three languages
  3. A position for which no salary is paid
  4. A person’s peculiar habit
  5. A shortened form of a word or a phrase
  6. A state of perfect balance
  7. A list of books
  8. A thing no longer in use
  9. A person who can make himself at home in any country
  10. A speech delivered without any previous preparation
  11. A person who copies from other writers
  12. The study of environment
  13. Water fit for drinking
  14. A medicine that prevents decomposing
  15. Something through which light can partly pass
  16. To transfer ones authority to another
  17. Men living in the same age
  18. One who looks at the bright side of things
  19. A Government by the officials
  20. One who lives in a foreign country